Outdoor recreation has long been recognized as a key component of a healthy and thriving community. Not only does it provide residents with opportunities for physical activity and mental well-being, but it can also serve as a major economic driver for small towns. By embracing outdoor recreation as an economic strategy, small towns can not…
Read MoreALERT! GAP TRAIL CLOSING FOR BIRDGE REPAIRS | NOV 8, 2022 To our trail community, we want you all to be aware that this fall, Somerset County will be closing the GAP from the Harnedsville Trail Head (Mile Marker 59) to the Markelton Trail Head (Mile Marker 50). The County has hired Crilon Corp. to…
Read MoreLeaf peeping is a favorite autumn activity in western Pennsylvania. And the GAP provides a leisurely path for getting up close and enjoying the season’s color, scents, and crisp feel. The eighty-plus miles of the trail winding along the waterways of the Allegheny Mountains from the Eastern Continental Divide to Connellsville hold plenty of varying…
Read MoreWell, that’s not exactly what happened, but have you noticed that the section of the Keystone Viaduct crossing the CSX tracks is higher than the portion over the woods, creek, and road? There’s a reason. In 2010, CSX upgraded its line to accommodate double-stacked container cars. However, the Keystone Viaduct was too low – just…
Read MoreWe had our SCRTA Volunteer appreciation event last night at the Confluence Cafe. It was so great to have all the folks from past and present in one place for a night. Thanks to everyone who came out. We could not do it without you.
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