Somerset Lake Nature Area

A Resource for Visitors and Residents Alike

A Few Years in the Life of a Restored Lake Somerset

The discovery of a dangerous situation at 253-acre Lake Somerset in late 2011/early 2012 meant a drawdown of a community resource and the beginning of efforts to keep that resource in the public eye - not to mention the long and difficult journey to funding dam restoration!

SCRTA joined the initiative in 2019 with the “adoption” of the Somerset Lake Action Committee and a plan to provide volunteers and support in expansion of a proposed Somerset Lake Nature Park.

January 2012

Dam leakage and safety concerns mean Lake Somerset must be drawn down. Somerset County Conservancy builds a primitive trail on the lake’s west side.

Fall 2013

The Somerset Lake Action Committee is formed to keep Lake Somerset alive in the eyes of our neighbors. Not only is the Lake an Audubon IBA (Important Bird Area) BUT it offers fishing, boating, birding and hiking all within 1/2 mile of downtown Somerset.

June 2015

An agreement is signed between Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission and Somerset County to form Somerset Lake Nature Park.

Fall 2019

The parking lot at the north end of the Lake is revamped and a pavilion constructed. The early trail on the lake’s west side is widened and re-graded to be ADA accessible.

Take a Look Back

Relive a little of the history of the creation of Lake Somerset with these articles from Pennsylvania Angler magazine. Thanks to the PA Fish & Boat Commission at Somerset for searching the archives.


What Was Will Be Again


Rewatering will take awhile even after the dam is complete in 2021. But it doesn’t hurt to remember and be excited for improvements to come!